What sample is required for testing for each disease?
The PAV-ELISA test requires a very small amount of blood from the animal to be tested. 3 cc of blood is sufficient to perform all the tests offered. In the case of CAE and OPP the test can be performed on colostrum. The high concentration of antibodies in the colostrum improves the sensitivity of the assay. Colostrum must be collected in the first 24 hours after kidding or lambing.
Can the goat/sheep owner submit samples directly to PAVL for testing?
Yes, samples can be submitted directly to PAVL for testing. This does not diminish the role of the veterinarian in animal care and we recommend that you always consult your veterinarian for animal health issues.
How should samples be shipped to ensure safe and timely arrival at PAVL?
IMPORTANT! Recent revisions in the regulations concerning packaging of biologic specimens have caused concern among persons sending samples for diagnostic testing. The following link explains the specific instructions for packaging samples to meet the new regulations. **** Packing Instructions ****
What age should animals be in order to get the most reliable test results?
CAE and Johne’s tests are more reliable when the animal is at least six months of age. Prior to this age a negative result is not reliable due to low levels of antibody and a positive result may be due to maternal (mother’s) antibody via milk consumption. All other diseases are not age dependent for test data reliability.
What days are the tests performed?
Normal test days are Monday and Thursday. Some variation from this schedule is possible depending on workload. If you need samples tested at other times we will make every effort to accommodate, although a small “rush” charge may apply. Please call us to schedule special testing needs.